It has been a crazy week! We thought we had all of our fruit in on one day, but then added 20% more of the total harvest with 10 tons of Cabernet Franc from a new vineyard in the Valley a day later.
As the video above notes, we are close to being dry on our newest Cabernet Franc Blanc just as we are presenting the few cases we squirreled away from last year for a series of TASTE! events that we stupidly committed to way before harvest began. you know it’s non-winemakers who are the ones who schedule events smack dab in the middle of the busiest time of our year!
So, morning, noon, and night punchdowns everyday, inoculating new 15 fermenters over the last three days, and pressing off Cab Franc and Merlot; and four pouringevents/seminars over the last four days makes for a dull boy.
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